Happy Birthday Mom! Don't worry, I won't say how old you are...I want to live to see my next birthday.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Happy Birthday Mom
Posted by
Marc Cauthon
8:00 AM
Monday, July 28, 2008
This is Our God
I've been listening to the brand new Hillsong CD/DVD, "This is Our God."
I've already blogged about one of the songs on the album called Healer. I have to say that this song is powerful and the story behind it is unbelievable too. Take a few minutes to check out my previous post and watch these videos. There is also a companion site where you can share your prayer request and praise reports. I'm hearing a lot about this song through the blog world, it seems that this song is really "blowing" up around churches.
But the stories behind this new worship album don't stop there. Check out the following story behind one of the other songs called "Desert."
Wow, another huge story behind another great song.
And it may just be me, but I can't really tell the difference between the United albums and the Hillsong Church albums. And in my opinion that's a good thing.
Posted by
Marc Cauthon
9:57 PM
Friday, July 25, 2008
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
The Final Chapter Begins
37 years at Texas Stadium.
17 Ring of Honor Inductees.
15 Division Championships.
10 Hall-of-Famers.
8 Super Bowl Appearances.
5 Super Bowl Wins.
1 Hole in the Roof.
Countless Memories.
Posted by
Marc Cauthon
4:02 PM
Monday, July 21, 2008
Monday Morning
This is how we started our week off today:
I must admit, my wife and kids got the worst of it.
How did you start yours?
Posted by
Marc Cauthon
11:15 AM
Thursday, July 17, 2008
"Forgiveness is the fragrance the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it."
Mark Twain
Forgiveness is a decision that we make.
Forgiveness is making the decision that someone doesn't owe you anymore.
Forgiveness doesn't make any sense unless you are a forgiven person.
Who do you need to forgive?
(This is a preview of my class this Sunday morning. It's called "Life Rules" by Andy Stanley)
Posted by
Marc Cauthon
2:10 PM
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
The Dentist
Monday at around 9 Am here is the conversation we had with the kids:
"Guess what we're doing today?"
"What dad?"
"We're going to the dentist in an hour!"
We just knew that it would be such a popular decision with the kids we decided to let them know after they were dressed and ready for the day. I know, we're so sneaky.
It would be the first trip for my son at the dentist, so he was a little worried. But he was able to watch his sister in the chair first so he did a great job when it was his turn.
And another funny thing happened. My daughter had several teeth that were loose going into the day and the dentist offered to pull them out for her in order to allow the new teeth to grow in straight. So, after all of that here is her new smile:
But just so you know that we're not horrible parents we celebrated with the kids after their appointments. It was McDonald's for lunch and then off to Exploration Place to have some fun.
Had a good day.
Posted by
Marc Cauthon
11:17 AM
Saturday, July 12, 2008
I'm excited to finish the two week series I'm doing on worship tomorrow. Just here at the church to finish up a few of the creative elements for tomorrow.
I'm ready to be overwhelmed in the presence of God tomorrow.
Posted by
Marc Cauthon
1:18 PM
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
iChat with friends
It was fun connecting with our friends from North Carolina tonight. Pastor Linda was the kids pastor at our former church. The Blackwood's were also on staff with us. It was a good excuse to get my kids out of bed.
Gregg and Linda have just recently left Calvary to take a position with Global Teen Challenge in Georgia.
It was great to talk with you guys! Miss you all.
Posted by
Marc Cauthon
9:34 PM
Monday, July 7, 2008
Sad Note
It's coming to an end...just check out this link for more.
I just can't believe it's going to end. When I really started following Jesus they were the first "Christian" band that I really got into. They gave me hope that there was quality "Christian" music out there.
Thanks for the incredible albums, songs and concerts over the years. You guys will be missed.
Posted by
Marc Cauthon
4:29 PM
Friday, July 4, 2008
Happy 4th
Have a happy and safe 4th of July.
And for some incredible history on our founding fathers check out this post by Mark Batterson.
Just take a minute before you watch the fireworks and check it out.
Now it's time to light some fireworks.
Posted by
Marc Cauthon
11:27 AM
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Take a few minutes and watch these videos. The first one is the behind the scenes story of the song and the second video is the song itself.
That's how powerful true worship is.
Posted by
Marc Cauthon
2:54 PM
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Ok, I've been pretty bad about updating this the last few weeks. You can blame the summer time, work, family, whatever. I'm really not sure I have any excuse anyway.
So, here is what you can do to follow me while this is going on. See the twitter stuff on the right side of the blog? If you really miss hearing from me just follow me on my twitter.
I promise that my twitter will keep you up to the minute on what is going on in my life. I understand that may not always be a good thing.
Talk with you soon.
Posted by
Marc Cauthon
9:30 AM