Sunday, August 5, 2007

Coming to the end

Well we are coming to the end of this Sunday. It's been a pretty busy day.

First we wrapped up our parenting class this morning. I think overall the class was a success. We're seeing people who aren't connecting with each other coming to the class. The cool thing is we're seeing new groups form. I really can't wait for the next class to start at the end of the month. It's going to be on marriage....yep, I need to be there!

Then I preached in the morning service. I think things went well. I talked about being "Set For Life." And no I wasn't able to drop money from the ceiling this time. (But I handed out free money to people on the front row!)

I'm heading to Council tomorrow. Should be fun this week. I'll get to see a lot of students from North Carolina.

Big day....big week coming. Wow.