Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The New President

I must say that the Praying Backwards event Monday night was incredible. To spend an hour with 200 people from all over the country praying for our candidates and their families was moving. I've never experienced something like that on the internet.

That being said, the prayer time Monday night really put my mind at ease while I was at the polls voting on Tuesday. It was like God kept reminding me that no matter who won that day He was still in control. And that no matter who won that day, I was to respect and pray for my new President. So after casting my vote yesterday I walked out with a new peace about America.

Watching the returns come in last night I realized that history was certainly being made. And as I sat there watching and listening to all the "experts" talk a lot about nothing, I just prayed. I prayed for our new President-elect and his family. I prayed again for the people that will be surrounding him in his new administration. And I prayed for America as a whole, that we would truly become United States. I decided that I'm going to pray for our new President just as much as I have prayed for President Bush. I'm going to teach my children to always pray for their President.

But most of all, last night I thanked God for being always present in our world. I couldn't help but think of that old song I sang as a kid..."He holds the whole world in His hands..."