Wednesday, February 11, 2009


I don't know what's wrong but lately I just haven't felt like posting anything original on the blog. Maybe twitter has taken me away from the blog too much. I love the fact that I only have 140 characters to say what I need to say. It's quick and fast.

But each morning as I open up my home page tabs in Firefox I see my blog sitting patiently, just waiting for me to come back. I think it feels a little neglected.

So, I guess here is the first step. I've now admitted that I have a blog problem. Now maybe I can get some help and get back here with some original thoughts and ideas. I've always heard that admitting you have a problem is the first step to overcoming it. So I'm no longer in denial.

So I guess what I'm trying to say is "I'm back."

Well, kind of.

(You can always follow me on twitter, just click here.