Monday, September 3, 2007

Evangel Weekend

We had a great day yesterday at Evangel. My dad is still in his series called "The Good Life." He's talking about finding the life God wants for you. The first week we talked about having an encounter with Him, last week the topic was being empowered by the Spirit and yesterday he talked about being employed in the kingdom.

I thought the message was great. You can check out the audio here if you want.

Anyway my dad challenged everyone that God didn't empower you with His Spirit to put you on a shelf. It's your job to use the gifts and talents for His glory.

He also gave everyone a practical way to put this in practice. We had volunteer opportunities listed on a card that people filled out during the end of the service adn then handed to an usher on the way out. The ushers handed me a stack of cards before I left. Cool! God was really moving in the service.

Now it's up to the Pastoral staff to follow up this week! Get ready Evangel, we're going to do something great!