Tuesday, September 18, 2007

I'm Learning

The "Are We Losers" post from a couple days ago brings up a huge point that I'm learning these days. (And no the point is not that I'm a loser....and thanks for all the comments on Facebook)

Guys can sit on a couch, not look at each other and have meaningful conversation. And sometimes it may be through the computer! We don't have to look each other in the eyes to know we're talking.

But I've learned that doesn't work with my wife. She likes to have face to face conversations. She likes to look me in the eyes. In her world, if I'm not looking at her I'm not listening. And that's something that is somewhat foreign to me as a guy.

So I'm learning to help fill a need my wife has that I may not have. I'm learning that it is important for me to take time each day for face to face conversations with her. Taking time to focus just on what she is saying and nothing else.

I have to admit, I'm not the best at this yet....but I'm learning.