Saturday, October 11, 2008

Favorite Part

Something my wife and I really put an emphasis on with our kids is eating dinner with them each night. I know there are some nights that things get in the way but the majority of the week we're all around the dinner table together. We really feel that this time is important.

A cool part of dinner is that we each share our favorite part of the day. And it's become normal for our favorite part of the day to always be eating dinner with my family. So we have to ask each of the kids what their second favorite part of the day was.

And since I've been in Atlanta all week and am traveling home while you are reading this I haven't been around for these conversations this past week. But Crystal still asked the kids around the dinner table and she shared with me what my daughter Alexis said this past Tuesday.

When asked what her favorite part of the day was she told my wife that it wasn't eating dinner with the family because daddy wasn't there.

That's awesome. I love my kids. Can't wait to see them today.